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"Driving Without A Dashboard? You’ll Be Running On Empty Soon."OPEN MINDS interviews iCentrix client

Updated: Oct 29, 2020

Driving Without A Dashboard? You’ll Be Running On Empty Soon. “The importance of data for driving actions has been underscored as never before by COVID-19.” In an article by Monica Oss published on April 20, 2020 entitled “Driving Without a Dashboard? You’ll be running on Empty Soon”, Monica and Senior Associate at OPEN MINDS, Ken Carr interviewed Jonathan Brown, Controller of Crossroads Health and a customer of iCentrix.

OPEN MINDS and Brown discussed how accessible, meaningful, and actionable data is of essence for staying afloat and preparing for the economic market upheaval that was likely to follow the pandemic. . Two years ago, the leadership team built a customized dashboard to support decision making by their team. Labeled the “Performance Compass,” the dashboard includes four key categories—productivity, engagement, demographics, and finances. With their dashboards, “Data should jump off the page for action,” says Mr. Brown. Visualization is critical—Mr. Brown refers to the ‘Rule of Fives.’ Can five people, standing five feet away from the screen, get the key takeaways in five seconds? “Our Performance Compass is the one place leaders go to see what needs attention,” explains Mr. Brown.

One example that Mr. Brown cited was using the “Performance Compass” to plan staffing during this crisis period. The data revealed a 50% drop in units of service because of COVID-19. But looking at the data in more detail, they found that after an increase in no-shows before and in the early days of COVID-19, there was actually a spike in kept appointments. In analyzing who was seeking services before and during COVID-19, Crossroads saw that people who needed medication refills were prone to keep up with appointments, especially through telehealth options as they learned how those worked.

If you would like to read the full article as published by OPEN MINDS, "Driving Without A Dashboard? You’ll Be Running On Empty Soon,"you can do so with the following link:

For more information, contact Doug Philipon at or call

603-893-3922 x703

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